Why do Dogs Jump on People?
Why Do Dogs Jump on People? Our staff loves taking care of and seeing each dog that comes to us for boarding, daycare, and grooming. Recently we’ve had a few instances where our staff or our clients has been injured due to dogs getting too excited and jumping up on them. Therefore, we’re reaching out […]
Why Halloween is a Great Holiday for Dogs!
Why Halloween is a Great Holiday for Dogs! Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn Share on email Email Trick …or Treat! I normally spend the year dreading Halloween on behalf of dogs. From a dog’s standpoint, it can be scary: people who don’t look human, large crowds made up […]
Who Stressed the Dogs Out?
Coronavirus: Who Stressed the Dogs Out? Jump to Dog Training Classes The human perspective: ‘Here we were thinking we had normal, well-behaved dogs who loved each other and suddenly they were at each other’s throats. Until the last month, that is. In the span of just a few days, our dogs got into fights, peed […]