Please Note: Our front desk is closed on all holidays. Our team will start pickup/drop-off on the next business day. Any calls or messages will also be returned the following business day. Thank you!

Professional Pet Care Services for Western PA and the Surrounding Areas Since 1960

Why Halloween is a Great Holiday for Dogs!


Trick ...or Treat!

I normally spend the year dreading Halloween on behalf of dogs. From a dog’s standpoint, it can be scary: people who don’t look human, large crowds made up of mostly children walking around in the dark, lots of doorbells ringing, the yelling of “trick or treat.” Really…from a dog’s point of view it can be traumatic. However, this year, I’m focusing on why Halloween is a great holiday for dogs and their owners.

Halloween is really the one holiday out of the year that provides you with the perfectly controlled training scenario. How often have you heard someone tell you to set your dog up for success, practice around controlled distractions, and repeat exercises enough times that your dog can learn? If you’ve been to any training class, you likely heard all of these things. Halloween allows you the opportunity to do all of this for an entire evening!

Halloween Recommendations

Final Notes

Dogs are adaptable. If your dog gets treats in the back of the kitchen every time the doorbell rings, he’s going to hang out in the back of the kitchen. He will go where the treats show up. Repeat this scenario with every trick-or-treater that shows up on your doorstep. Hopefully, by the end of the evening, your dog will find the doorbell a great indicator that treats will show up at the back of the house.

Good Luck...and Happy Halloween from CWPR!

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